• "When should my degree plan be completed and submitted to the grad school?" By the time you have completed the first 12 hours of your curriculum.
  • "When do I select my committee?" Prior to the time you submit your degree plan.

  • "If I have changes to be made on my degree plan, do I have to create the plan all over again?" No, but you do need to fill out a degree plan change form and have it approved by your entire Committee, Dean and Graduate School.

  • "What is the Residence Requirement?" All the information about residence requirement can be found at Residence Requirement

  • "What is the minimum amount of credit hours required to be eligle to apply for a TA/RA position?" 9 credit hours

  • "Where can I learn more about degree requirements?" Degree requirements are determined by the Graduate Catalog currently in force at the time the degree plan is approved by the Graduate Dean. To see the most current click on Graduate Catalog

  • "Where can I find prior Graduate Catalogs?" Click on Catalog Archives

  • "Is there a limitation on how long can I take to complete my degree requirements?" Yes. Masters students have six to eight years to complete their degree requirements depending on the number of semester hours required for the degree. Doctoral students have ten years to complete their degree requirements.

  • For further questions, please contact:

    Becky Petrusky
    Phone: (940)565.2983
    E-mail: rebecca.petrusky@unt.edu